By its very nature, art is the process of adding layers of detail, one fragmented piece at a time, in the interest of creating a work of art that conveys a sense of meaning or evokes an emotion. This is true, regardless of the medium chosen.
This is also true in the art of montage.
So it is especially true for the art of photomontage in the digital revolution.
These pieces are collected images; collated and juxtaposed in order to express something new. What you see and experience is a fragmented arrangement of multiple images and works of art that I’ve created - combined together to create something new - re-imagined in this digital realm.
They are multiplied, blended, overlayed and screened – one upon another – to emphasize some portions of individual imagery; to de-emphasize others, and they are manipulations of photography, using graphic effects that explore color, light, shadow, substance and texture.
Some are decay and destruction.
Some are rusted and ruined.
Many are thematically linked to each other.
And, there are layered pieces of me – the artist – in each image.
But, without question, regardless of theme, or specific imagery; these pieces are art by the process of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division – to explore what emerges when individual imagery is combined, layer by digital layer – and to explore what the pieces can and will become.
They are: Fragmented Arrangements.